Drone system

M300 RTK
Thermal imaging with a powerful integrated payload. Built-in laser rangefinder (LRF) measures distances to objects up to 1200m away
Disaster situations such as police officers, firefighters, etc., and support to perform missions by quickly supporting situational awareness in areas shaded by GPS

작은 폼팩터에 다양한 성능 업데이트를 모두 담은 다재다능한 드론. 고해상도 열화상 및 가시광 카메라 탑재

strong flight performance
Higher work efficiency through the harmony of power and portability
Camera system
Hybrid sensor solution with LRF, zoom, wide angle and thermal imaging cameras

WIRIS Security
800X600 resolution, 30x optical zoom RGB camera, high thermal resolution, CANbus and UART serial communication, RJ 45, MAVLINK interface
Professional thermal imaging multi-sensor camera, 30x zoom RGB, laser rangefinder 1.5KM, maximum measuring temperature range 1500°C, visual camera resolution 16MPX
고성능, 이중 열화상 및 가시광선 OEM 카메라 모듈
Security, Search And Rescue
Search & Rescue
Today, security is an expression that is very common in all areas of our lives. Security measures, security risks, security cameras, etc. ensuring the security of loved ones, staff, the city’s population, animals and possessions is a priority for most of us.
Haze (fog) perspective function of infrared camera
Comparison by camera lens
Thermal imaging DRI standards
DRI explanation according to the distance of infrared thermal camera
DRI Chart


To define what is meant by “seeing a target”, the so-called Johnson’s criteria can be used.
John Johnson, a Night Vision & Electronic Sensors Directorate scientist, developed criteria that relate to the effective range of infrared cameras. Although developed for the military (hence the use of the term “target” to refer to the object of interest),
the Johnson criteria are widely used in the commercial marketplace to characterize thermal imaging systems.
According to these criteria a distinction needs to be made between degrees of “seeing” a target:
An excellent way to estimate how far you can see a target with a thermal imaging camera is to use a nomograph.
A nomograph is a graphical calculator which represents numerical relationships between variables such as focal length, range and the number of pixels on target.

Operation training

(11921) 경기도 구리시 건원대로 34번길 27, 8층 809호
Tel : 031-562-3830
Fax : 031-5171-3038