thermal imaging camera system
WIRIS Security
800X600 resolution, 30x optical zoom RGB camera, high thermal resolution, CANbus and UART serial communication, RJ 45, MAVLINK interface
High Performance, Dual Thermal and Visible OEM Camera Development Module
US-made radiometric VUE TZ20-R thermal zoom drone payload
US-made radiometric VUE TZ20-R thermal zoom drone payload
전문가용 열화상 다중 센서 카메라, 30배줌RGB, 레이저거리측정기 1.5KM, 최대 측정 온도범위 1500°C, 비주얼 카메라 해상도 16MPX
Thermal imaging dual sensor camera with 4K visual sensor and <50mK sensitivity
Thermal imaging dual sensor camera with 4K visual sensor and <50mK sensitivity
Hybrid sensor solution with LRF, zoom, wide angle and thermal imaging cameras
Internal memory, CANbus and UART serial communication, RJ 45, MAVLINK interface
(11921) 경기도 구리시 건원대로 34번길 27, 8층 809호
Tel : 031-562-3830
Fax : 031-5171-3038